The Supportive Living Program provides services to 16 individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Program participants live in their own apartments and meet with a staff member on a weekly basis. Individuals interested in this program must possess a predetermined level of proficiency in basic living skills and a knowledge of community dangers. Staff members work with individuals on the day to day problems they may face in the community. Individuals live in apartments located throughout Camden County. The apartments are chosen specifically for their accessibility to public transportation, stores, banks and other community services. Each individual is visited by a staff member for a minimum of 2 hours a week. Staff are available 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. Individuals in this program are encouraged to become as independent as possible and to strive towards living in a apartment successfully without staff intervention. To this end, individuals are expected to pay their own rent, utilities and other personal expenses. Individuals who are interested in applying for the program must be referred by the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD).